Edge Cards FAQ

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1. What material are EDGE Cards made of?

EDGE Cards are made of three premium quality stocks adhered together creating an ultra thick, 32pt triple layered card with a colored core.

Face Stock: 9pt Bright White Premium uncoated with a Smooth finish

Insert Stock: 14pt Premium Opaque Black

2. Can EDGE Cards be written on?

Yes, EDGE Cards are made of premium uncoated paper and are easily written on. We suggest you test your specific application.

3. How long do EDGE Cards last?

EDGE Cards are made to last for years under normal conditions. Cards exposed to exceedingly high temperatures will have undesirable results. For example, if one were to expose these cards to a very high heat for extended periods of time, like in the windshield of a car, the longevity of the cards will be compromised. EDGE Cards should not be exposed to excessive heat or cold, as well as excessively dry or humid environments.

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